lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011

The new president

5 years ago Felipe Calderon Hinojosa Gained the elections for the presidency, in the year 2006, well that´s said the IFE, in past years we have lived whit fear, for example I arrived at mi house before 10 p.m., because I have a little fear, the insecurity in the country has been very high, many deaths, but in the country exist more problems for example, health, education and unemployment.

I am student and I’m worried because I hope to have a good job in the future.

Next July 1th, 2012 will be a very important day for Mexico because we must elect a new president of the united Mexican states; this is a very important topic for all Mexicans.

The candidate of PRD is Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, he has been chief of government of the Federal district, I think he is a good candidate for the presidency, because think he has good proposals for to improve the country, for example help the poor and invest more money in health, education.

The candidate of PRI is Enrique Peña Nieto he was governor of mexico state, and of couse he did many good things but because that´s state is very rich, many say that he´s very handsome for example my classmate Zara, but I think that´s not important, for me is no good Candidate.

This candidate did much political campaign on TV. Mainly in Televisa, that Campaign I do not like because I do not believe.

The candidates of PAN are Santiago Creel and Josefina Vasquez Mota, I do not much about them, but Santiago Creel was Secretary of Governance, I will not vote for neither of them because they do not give me confidence.

We should think very well for the 2012 elections, because our future depend of that, my opinion is that we know very well to all candidates.

The country has many problems, on topics as the insecurity, we must listen the proposals of the candidates in this topic.

In the next election we must vote for the candidate who most convinces us.

I met at Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador in Tierra Colorada, there he said very good proposals, for example: improve education, and topics as the insecurity, he spoke evil at president of republic.

I had the opportunity to greet of hand, in theses years he traveled for almost all the country, he has been listening proposals of the peoples.

The truth is that I do not like the politics, but this is a topic that is very important for all Mexicans.

martes, 30 de agosto de 2011

¿Cuales son los principales problemas del mundo actual?

En este mundo sabemos que tiene demasiados problemas, sobre todo los países llamados de tercer mundo como lo es México, pero lo mas grave en que todos los países contribuyen en dañar al planeta , ese si es un gran problema porque no dañamos al planeta nos dañamos a nosotros mismos, porque donde viviremos? no creo que nos mudemos a otro planeta, el calentamiento global es el principal problema del mundo.

Existen otros problemas que no son tan grandes por así decirlo, como lo es el calentamiento global, pero sii lo es para el ser humano, como lo es la inseguridad en muchos paises, empezando con los del oriente, los dictadores que aun prevalecen en ese lado del mundo. El gran problema que estamos padeciendo los mexicanos que es la inseguridad. para mi eso son los grandes problemas del mundo actual. claro que existen muchisimo mas y vaya que son problemas.

Análisis del Mundo contemporaneo

Temas que se deben analizar en el curso
1.- comprender la dinámica Sociocultural, económica, política y tecnológica del mundo contemporáneo.

2.- analizar los conceptos de sociedad de la información, sociedad del conocimiento,y economía del conocimiento en el contexto local, regional con base en la responsabilidad y sustentabilidad social.